Fee Policy
Our School Fee Policy and Fee structure will provide you with the following:
- A clear understanding of the fee
- The payment due dates
- Acceptable modes of payment and
- Student withdrawal and refund policies
We encourage you to read, understand and familiarize yourself with the dates and processes
mentioned in this policy before you fill in the Admission Form. If you have any queries or require
any clarification regarding the policy, please address them to
[email protected]
Admission to the school starts with an offer of provisional admission. If you wish to accept the
offer, please deposit the following on the date of the offer to ensure that the seat offered is
retained for your ward :
- One-time admission fee (non- refundable) and caution/security deposit (refundable)
- Quarterly Tuition fee
- Other charges (if any)
Tuition fees does not include the cost of books, stationary and uniform.
Provisional admissions will be processed and converted to confirmed admissions after
submission and verification of the required documents, and the deposit of all applicable fees
before the start of the academic session 2025-26.
Student Withdrawal and Refund Policy:
We expect and hope that every child admitted to our school, will graduate from RGS. We are
however aware that there may be situations that necessitate a student’s withdrawal. Our
withdrawal procedure is simple and straight forward :
In case of withdrawal of an Existing Student:
Fill in the Exit Form (available at school reception/office) in advance. Notice period of one
month is mandatory failing which applicable fee (one month Tuition fee) in lieu of notice
period will be payable. All dues such as transport fee, late fee or any other outstanding dues
must be paid in full to obtain a clearance and NOC. Transfer certificate will be issued only
on the clearance of all dues.
In case of withdrawal from bus services notice period of one month is mandatory failing
which applicable fees for the notice period will be payable
Completion of all student exit procedures (including issuing the Transfer Certificate) will
be completed within 15-20 working days of receiving the withdrawal request.
In case of withdrawal of a New Student :
Before the commencement of the session, all fee will be refunded except for Registration
fee and Admission fee.
In case the admission is closed under ‘ZERO ADMISSION FEE OFFER’ then the minimum
amount of Rs 10000 will be deducted as Admission fee and rest is refunded. Approval is at
the discretion of the school administration.
Fee Payment Due Date
- School fee and bus fee (if applicable) are payable as per the following schedule on/before
the given due dates:
- First Quarter (April May June) and 2 months bus fee (optional) payable by 15th April.
- SecondQuarter (July Aug September) + 3 months bus fee (optional) payable by 15th July.
- Third Quarter (October November December)and 3 months bus fee (optional) payable by
15th October.
- Fourth Quarter (January February March) and 3 month bus fee (optional) payable by 15th
- After the lapse of due date of fee, late fee will be charged as Rs 20 per day till 30th of that
month and thereafter Rs 50 per day till the date the fees is received by the school.
- Issuing of fee reminders is not mandatory for school.It is the duty of the parents to deposit
the fee as per the above schedule.
- To facilitate the parents the school will accept postdated cheques for quarterly fee in
school account department. Acceptance of such cheques will be subject to last date of
payment by cheque. No request will be accepted to hold the cheques after the date
mentioned on the cheque.
- No fee shall be treated as the current quarter fee or advance fee unless and until all
previous fee dues are cleared in full.
- Fee shall be payable for the entire month if the student attends the school even for one
day during the quarter.
- Parents have an option to deposit yearly fee in advance to avail a concession of 7% on all
4 Quarters.
- Partial payment of school fee will not be accepted.
- In case of non-payment of fees (and other dues) 45 days after the respective quarterly
due date, the name of the student will be struck off the rolls of the school.
Transport Fees:
- Parents seeking bus facility for theirwards, should confirm the suitability andavailability of
bus routes and convenience of bus stops from the Transport Manager before making any
payments towards reservation of seats or towards confirmation of admission.
- To obtain a seat on the bus, please fill in the transport form (available at reception/school
office) and submit the same to the Transport Manager along with the transport fee (to be
submitted in the accounts office).
Mode of Payment
The fee can be paid through online and offline mode:
School ERP: Online fee payment can be done through the school App by the name of “RAGHAV GLOBAL SCHOOL, NOIDA”. The application reflects the monthly/quarterly outstanding dues and the payable amount which further directs to the payment portal and provides the available payment options. Alternatively, fee can be paid by clicking on the given link and entering the credentials: https://rgsndportal.radicallogix.com/radrgs/users/login
- Direct Bank Transfer via NEFT/RTGS
Parents can also visit the school in order to pay the fee offline. The payment options available for
offline mode are: Cash/Cheque/Demand Draft/QR Code
- Cheques and D.Ds should be drawn in favor of RAGHAV GLOBAL SCHOOL.
- Kindly mention the Name, Grade/section, Admission Number of your ward along with your contact number on the reverse side of the cheque/draft.
- Outstation cheques will not be accepted.
- In case the cheque is dishonored by the bank, bank charges of Rs.250/- will be charged.
Payments at the school premises (cheque / D.D) will be accepted at the following timings only:
All working days – 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Saturdays – 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m
Other important information for the parent:
- All classrooms from Pre nursery to Grade 12 are Air Conditioned.
- Parents are requested to pay attention to their Ward's regularity, discipline and neatness
and take interest in their School work.
- Parents should see the Student's Diary every day and note the homework and any other
instructions/communication given. They should ensure that sufficient time is set apart
for home study.
- Meeting with Teachers: If, for any reason, you wish to meet the Principal/ Headmistress/
Class Teacher or Subject Teachers you are welcome to do so. However, appointments
must be made prior to all such meetings.
- Parents are not allowed to enter classrooms either to see their children or to seek
interviews with the teachers during School hours. However, they may bring their
grievance to the Principal, Director or the Counsellor, it shall be immediately addressed.
- PTM: meetings are held as per dates specified. These should be attended regularly.
Change of Address and Telephone Number: Any change of address and telephone
number must be intimated in the School at the earliest.
- Use of the School Bus: Students must be put into the School bus by the parent/
authorized guardian and collected from bus in the same manner (they should be in
possession of the Authorization Card at all times). In case there is no one at the bus stop
or the person is an unauthorized one (without the Authorization Card), the child will be
brought back to the School and the parent will be required to come and take him/ her
- Any student found indulging in any act of indiscipline, whether inside or outside the
school premises, may be expelled / struck off rolls of the school without notice. The
decision of the management shall be final and no appeal will be entertained. This also
holds for any parent encouraging or indulging in maligning the School's name/reputation.
Any grievance/concern is to be brought to the School's notice in writing, addressing the
Involving third party/media/social network malicious campaigning against the School
or giving false information for personal gains shall not be approved by the School. The
School shall be at liberty to take appropriate action against the erring stakeholder.